Vipra Elite, Patrikanagar
Madhapur, HYD - 500081.
9 Am to 6 pm IST
Monday to Friday
Interakt Japan
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
9 Am to 6 pm IST
Monday to Friday

Blockchain Consulting

Interakt our blockchain consulting services to harness the potential of blockchain and gain valuable insights on your projects spanning, DeFi, NFTs, Web3, and Metaverse. From ideation to selecting the right protocol, our team turns your aspirations into practical application.

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Our Blockchain Consulting Services

Our blockchain consultants understand your project-specific needs and help you identify the right blockchain protocol that suits your business case. We have helped 125+ startups and enterprises achieve success with our training workshops, prototype design, and blockchain proof of concepts.

Strategy workshop and training
Our team conducts blockchain workshops and live webinars to help you better understand blockchain technology, its potential use cases & utilization. We demonstrate how the blockchain can transform your industry with case studies of our projects.
Blockchain Consultancy
We examine your existing solution, identify the need for a blockchain solution specific to your business use case and analyze how blockchain will add value to your business. We suggest the right technology and the possible solutions for the proposed project.
Quick PoC
Our team creates a Proof of Concept (PoC) to demonstrate the practical potential of your blockchain project in 4 weeks. The PoC helps clients understand how their blockchain ecosystem will work.


Blockchain Development
Once you understand the blockchain feasibility for your use case, you can move your project to development. As a leading blockchain development company, we develop and deliver scalable blockchain solutions to innovate your business operations.

Our Blockchain Consulting Process

We discuss the feasibility of your blockchain project with our blockchain developers and define the business goals and workflow for your system.


We analyze your existing solution and discover if it can be migrated to the blockchain. Our team assesses entire business procedures and identifies where blockchain can be applied to your use case.
Technical Component Definition
Our blockchain consulting team identifies the right blockchain platform based on your business requirements and the type of blockchain.


We create a framework and prototype to identify the use cases for the business with minimum viable features. The demo is used for the viability of a real solution.
Our Blockchain Consultants help clients identify if the blockchain technology can be integrated into their business operations and environment.


Once you are ready to start blockchain technology development, we help you build the blockchain product, from UI/UX to full front-end and back-end implementation.

We run all kinds of IT services that vow your success